Edge Tools & Chisels

Tool Bazaar has an extensive collection of premium and antique Edge Tools. Edge tools are primarily used for woodworking projects but some can also be used when working with metal. 


What is an Edge Tool?

An Edge Tool is a sharp cutting tool which can come either hand worked or machine-operated form. An edge tool is equipped with a sharp blade (or edge) to slice through wood or make convenient markings on materials. 

Edge tools can be a great tool for cutting down materials to suit your specifications. In general, edge tools and chisels are great tools to use when working with wood. Our range of edge tools includes everyday chisels and gouges, long paring chisels and gouges, heavy duty mortice chisels and wood turning chisels. Our edge tools suit all types of woodwork projects and can come in handy for a range of everyday DIY projects as well.


What will you find in this section?

In our section of Edge Tools and Chisels we have tools from a range of makers and time periods. A lot of our tools are rare, vintage tools but some are more modern equivalents. 

In this section you can expect to find;

  • Chisels
  • Gouges
  • Mortise Chisels
  • Long Chisels
  • Turning Chisels 

These products can be hard to come by in modern, everyday DIY shops. If you are after rare tools that perform intricate functions and offer a traditional way of working, our chisels and edge tools will be perfect for you. 

With a range of sizes, styles and types of chisels and gouges, you are sure to find the perfect tool for your needs.


Free UK Delivery

Kindly note that all our tools from our Edge Tool & Chisels section are currently available with free UK delivery. Any tools purchased from out with the UK will be sold with the standard posting and packaging prices. 

This page displays just a small selection of what we have on offer. If you don't see what you want, please contact us, and we feel confident we’ll be able to find what you are looking for.