Braces, Drills & Augers

A brace and bit is a must-have for any serious woodworker, especially if you're tackling joinery, furniture making, or even restoration projects. These braces and bits offer precise control, making them a valuable addition to any toolbox. Unlike modern electric drills, a brace allows for smooth, controlled drilling without the risk of overheating or damaging delicate materials.

What will you find in this section?

Here, you’ll find a wide range of braces and bits, from antique hand drills to wheel braces and auger braces. Whether you're searching for a complete brace and bit set or just a specific bit to restore an old drill, we have something to suit your needs.

We also stock spare drill parts, so if you already own a high-quality brace but need a bit gauge to improve accuracy, or a replacement bit for a missing piece, you'll likely find it in our collection. These braces and bits are not only functional but also highly sought after by collectors who appreciate vintage woodworking tools.

Many of our wheel braces and braces and bits are rare finds, and despite their vintage look, they are in excellent working condition. Each brace is carefully inspected, ensuring it’s ready to be put to use straight away on your next project. Adding a brace and bit to your toolbox means having a reliable, manual solution for precise drilling, ideal for intricate woodworking and restoration work.

Why choose antique brace and bits?

Brace and bits offer advantages that modern power drills simply can't match. The smooth, controlled motion of an antique, traditional brace allows for effortless drilling, particularly in woodworking projects that require precision. Many brace bits available today are designed to fit standard braces, making it easy to swap them out as needed.

A wheel brace can also be a fantastic alternative to power drills, offering better control over drilling speed and pressure. This makes it ideal for working on delicate surfaces where modern drills might be too aggressive. With the right bit, a brace can handle a variety of materials, from softwoods to hardwoods.

If you're restoring furniture, working on joinery, or simply prefer the feel of traditional woodworking tools, investing in a brace and bit is a great choice.

Free UK Delivery

We are currently offering free UK delivery on all our online items, including braces and bits, wheel braces, and spare bits. These vintage tools are in high demand, so be sure to grab them while they’re still available.

This page displays just a small selection of what we have on offer. If you don't see what you want, please contact us, and we feel confident we’ll be able to find what you are looking for.

19th Century Walnut Bow Drill | Antique Drill
Beech and Brass Button Chuck Brace
Beech and Brass Button Chuck Brace

Tool Baazar

£56.00 £67.00

Goodell Pratt USA Patented Chain Drill
Goodell Pratt USA Patented Chain Drill

Goodell Pratt of USA

£56.00 £67.00

Beech and Brass Button Chuck Brace by Marples

William Marples & Sons


Good Millers Falls USA No. 445 Yankee Push Drill
Good Millers Falls USA No. 445 Yankee Push Drill

Millers Falls, USA

£36.00 £45.00

Unusually Small Breast Drill. Made in Germany
Mathieson Glasgow Spring Lock Scotch Brace

Alex Mathieson & Son


Early William Marples Ultimatum Frame Brace
Early William Marples Ultimatum Frame Brace

William Marples & Sons

£165.00 £195.00

Good Small 8" Joiners Ratchet Brace

Crownshaw & Chapman


Very Unusual Early Drill Type Tool
Very Unusual Early Drill Type Tool


£36.00 £45.00